History of the DRM


  • 1988  Established the world's first National Digital Road Map Database Standards Started creation of the DRM Database of the basic road Started provision services of the DRM Database
  • 1989  Started creation of the DRM Database of the supplemental road
  • 1990  Established the DRM Database Standards for Road Administration
  • 1993  Participated in ISO/TC204/WG3 activities
  • 1995  Completed the nationwide coverage of the DRM Database based on the 1:25,000 scale topographic maps
  • 1998  Established a group to study new DRM standards
  • 2000  Established the DRM Standard Format 21
  • 2003  Started creation of the DRM Database of 1.5 - 3 meter wide road
  • 2005  Revised rules on database supply for research purposes Worked on experimental three-dimensional digital road maps Developed a computer program for detecting database changes Worked on compiling information on zones of traffic restriction under unusual weather conditions, etc. for prefectural roads Started compiling names and routes data for arterial municipal roads
  • 2006  Initiated a research grant program Started compiling data on general prefectural roads which are under construction (information to be provided two years in advance) and not yet open for use
  • 2008  Started creation of the enhanced DRM data of complex intersections
  • 2010  Started creation of the DRM Database based on the 1/2500 Fundamental Geospatial Data
  • 2011  Started creation of the DRM Database based on the World Geodetic System
  • 2012  Started creation of the DRM Database of altitude data and positions of road submergence